Let’s talk about Christmas… Hopefully by now, all of you have done two important things: you’ve published your Christmas events on your website and, you’re using a blog that lives ON your website to promote your events so that you’re building your “search relevance” with Google from year to year. (If not, we can help! See our Special Offer …
ChurchBuzz Church Website Templates have arrived!
Our new ChurchBuzz website templates are here! What are the advantages of a church website template? Our templates are ready to go right out of the box! We have designed them to be search engine optimized, first time visitor friendly, and easy to navigate. What does that mean for YOU? You will receive a professionally designed church website template for …
Church Website Webinar: The 10 Commandments of Church Websites
I had the opportunity and pleasure to present my 10 Commandments of Church Websites to the United Methodist Church through their General Board of Discipleship office in February of 2012. Just a quick recap, the 10 Commandments of Church Websites are: Thou shall be found (in Google) Thou shall welcome visitors Thou shall keep your website current Thou shall create …
Want to have an affair? It is time to wake up Church!
I was perusing the news like I do each morning on my Android phone and came across this headline: Websites Encourage Discreet Adultery I thought, wow, I have to read this article… and at first I was thinking – what will people think of next… here is a business man who is capitalizing on the fact that people are unhappy …
Is your church website ready for Easter?
Yes, yes, the Superbowl is indeed this weekend, but are you ready to welcome visitors to your Easter services? It is just around the corner! Is ALL your Easter info on your church website? Can people find your Easter Service schedule? Your Easter Egg Hunt schedule? (You ARE having an Easter Egg Hunt aren’t you????) What about Ash Wednesday and …
Happy New Year! To Blog is to Love… 45 must read blog ideas
”To Blog is to Love – 45 must read blog ideas!” Need a New Year’s Resolution? How about starting a blog! This powerful stuff for your church, but more importantly for the people of the World who need to FIND/READ/HEAR your message of Love, Hope and Joy! Can we love people with a blog? I say YES! While driving to …
Church Management Systems Reviews
I get often get asked if I have any recommendations on Church Database Management Systems. Well, that is a whole entire “industry” all of its own of which ChurchBuzz doesn’t really focus on… But I did find a great comparison chart put together by the good folks at Ministry Business Services – MBS. I found this great graphic on their …
Google makes big (BAD) change to data they track for Google Analytics
Google announced this big (bad) change on October 18, 2011 that changes a portion of search data that they track in their Google Analytics data. Background So what we are talking about here is when a user goes to Google.com and searches for something – like “churches in dallas, tx” and then if they were to click on YOUR church’s …
A young couple is looking to visit your church this Sunday! Is your church website ready?
Do you want to know why we started ChurchBuzz? Because we know that every Sunday morning some people wake up and decide to go to church. And, we KNOW they don’t open the Yellow Pages anymore. We KNOW they don’t decide to just drive down to the nearest church and check it out. Instead, they jump on their nearest phone, …
Free Email Marketing for Churches and How to do it right!
Note: This article has been refreshed as of January 24, 2012. We added our new preferred Email Marketing vendor for 2012 – MailChimp! Why does our church need email marketing services? Email marketing services provide the ability to send out your weekly church news and your monthly newsletter to your congregation via email. Some advantages to using a service that …