I get often get asked if I have any recommendations on Church Database Management Systems. Well, that is a whole entire “industry” all of its own of which ChurchBuzz doesn’t really focus on…
But I did find a great comparison chart put together by the good folks at Ministry Business Services – MBS. I found this great graphic on their site! (Click the graphic to view full size). You can read their full article on Church & Donor Management Software here.
Also, if these systems are overkill because you are a very small church, you might want to consider using Podio – this is like creating your own “private Facebook” for your church staff, volunteers, committees to all get on board and collaborate and work together. In addition you can also create your own Workspaces and Apps to organize any type of data and collaborate on it to get work done. You can use this to create a custom member directory, attendance logs, small group rosters, committee tracking / collaboration, project management, web form processing, donation form processing and much more. It is outstanding and we will be doing webinars on this powerful tool in 2013, so sign up for our Church Webmaster Alerts over on the right side!