One of my life goals is to impact 10,000 churches across the United States. My hope is that I can help them have a more inviting, welcoming website to help spread God’s love throughout every community. Churches have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on this earth, leading more people into The Kingdom, and I hope to help churches …
Church Website Review for Bath First Church of the Nazarene
Barry, thank you for giving me permission to review your church’s website. Happy to do it. I think I have a lot of value that I can bring to you. Let’s talk about some of the good things first. It is good that when I resize your website, it automatically resizes things and re-lays them out so they are still …
2 huge reasons why WordPress is the best for Churches
About 20% of the internet runs on WordPress, thousands of developers contribute to WordPress and the number of plugins and themes available are crazy!
Why ChurchBuzz is switching to WordPress
Learn why ChurchBuzz decided to switch to Wordpress and why this is GREAT news for churches!
Church Website Webinar: The 10 Commandments of Church Websites
I had the opportunity and pleasure to present my 10 Commandments of Church Websites to the United Methodist Church through their General Board of Discipleship office in February of 2012. Just a quick recap, the 10 Commandments of Church Websites are: Thou shall be found (in Google) Thou shall welcome visitors Thou shall keep your website current Thou shall create …
10 Commandments for Building a Church Website Ministry
Want to take your website beyond an online billboard and turn it into a true ministry of the church? Here are 10 ideas that should be included in your church website communication and marketing plan! Thou shalt be easy to find! Thou shalt welcome visitors – they are the future of your membership growth… Thou shalt keep your website current …