Want to generate an additional revenue stream for your church? This is a great way and it requires very little from your church and even from your members.
UMCMarket is developed in cooperation with the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church. If each member of your church signs up, a percentage of their normal every day online purchases will be donated to your church!
Watch the short video below to find out how UMCMarket works.
This is a great fundraiser for any United Methodist Church! But here is what you will need to do make this effective for your church:
- Learn how to use it. Try it out yourself and learn how it works.
- Teach others how to use it. Through videos, training classes, etc.
- Keep reminding people to use it – at least several times per year. Add it to your weekly email newsletter, post it on Facebook/Twitter once every couple months, etc.