Step 1: Creating a Google Account In order to access any of the Google family of products (GMail, Docs, Calendar, etc), you must first create a Google Account. You do NOT have to register a “” email address to do this. You can use your own existing email address on the Google Account Creation form. Step 2: Access the application …
Free Seminar Teaches Church Website Management
ChurchBuzz is offering a FREE Seminar to churches who might need help understanding how to take full advantage of the internet to help… VISITORS find your church! Entice VISITORS to actually VISIT your church? Reach out to the community to SERVE and DRAW OTHERS IN… Understand how to properly maintain the church website Understand how to properly use all the …
10 Commandments for Building a Church Website Ministry
Want to take your website beyond an online billboard and turn it into a true ministry of the church? Here are 10 ideas that should be included in your church website communication and marketing plan! Thou shalt be easy to find! Thou shalt welcome visitors – they are the future of your membership growth… Thou shalt keep your website current …
12 Tips for Church SEO – Help visitors find your church!
Church Search Engine Optimization Can Visitors Find Your Church Website? The #1 most important part of our 10 Commandments of Church Website Ministry, is for your church website to be FOUND by VISITORS. In order to be proactive in ensuring your church website WILL be found, you must perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on every page in your site. This …
Church Websites – 5 Essential Elements to Effective Church Websites
Welcome to all our new Facebook fans… over 90 in less than 3 days… outstanding! If you haven’t met me yet, my name is Patrick Steil and I just want to give a big Texas HOWDY and thanks for connecting with us… ChurchBuzz is my passion and hope you will drop me a line and introduce yourself to me… anyways, …
Official Launch: – For Church Webmasters and Churches who Need a Webmaster!
It’s official… today we begin the official launch of – Hello World! 🙂 ChurchBuzz is a website for Church Webmaster’s and for those Churches who need a Church Webmaster. We have an entire series of blog posts and resources planned that we will be slowly rolling out to the world. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and register for …
Welcome to the brand new ChurchBuzz website!
Hello All! ChurchBuzz is a brand new website as of June 7th, 2010! We officially launched the website after many years of learning about doing church website maintenance and many months of formulating the ChurchBuzz plan and strategy! But don’t think of us a new business – because I am the founder of who has been doing high end …