Church Website Webinar: The 10 Commandments of Church Websites

churchbuzz Church SEO, Church Social Media, Church Website Design, Church Website Evangelism, Church Websites

I had the opportunity and pleasure to present my 10 Commandments of Church Websites to the United Methodist Church through their General Board of Discipleship office in February of 2012.  Just a quick recap, the 10 Commandments of Church Websites are:

  1. Thou shall be found (in Google)
  2. Thou shall welcome visitors
  3. Thou shall keep your website current
  4. Thou shall create compelling content
  5. Thou shall use social media for fellowship and outreach
  6. Thou shall have a professional church website design
  7. Thou shall be ‘mobile’
  8. Thou shall be connected and relevant
  9. Thou shall keep up with the latest technology
  10. Thou shall measure and optimize everything

Here are the slides I used during this presentation:

And click this link to access the full General Board of Discipleship (GBOD) Church Website Webinar recording.